#128: Lisa is Pausing the Show | Why is this an act of self love?

Lisa announces some big changes in her life and business, and shares why she feels it’s time to hit pause on the GFR Show after 4 successful years and 128 episodes.
What would you do differently if you had faith in yourself and your mission?
In our last episode for the foreseeable future, Lisa takes a look back at what lessons she’s learned since she got f***ing real with herself and birthed a mission to help others do the same thing. Help us celebrate an incredible run as Lisa walks us through her favorite of among 27 solo episodes where she shared key moments in her life, and hear which GFR Commandments helped usher her into her latest evolution.
Listen in—or watch the video version on YouTube—to find out about an exciting new role as a consultant with Brave Thinking Institute, and learn how Lisa’s balancing that with her 1:1 clients, and her beloved UnMentor Pods moving forward. You’ll hear where Lisa’s creative energy is being spent these days, and discover why her decision to go on hiatus with the GFR Show is actually an act of self-love.
Find out the powerful advice Lisa gave her daughter Bella that inspired them both! Learn a great exercise to try around connecting with your inner child when you are activated or overwhelmed and need clarity.
Lisa hopes this episode inspires you to trust in yourself, your inner knowing and your ultimate purpose, too.
- Go here to explore coaching with me: Unmentor
- Join me at Brave Thinking Institute’s amazing DreamBuilder LIVE Event.
- To get your copy of the 12 GFR Commandments click right here!
- #2 Karin Volo: From 1352 days in Jail to Global Joy Expert
- #11 Lisa’s Confession: How Opening Up my Marriage Juiced Up My Business
- #46 Lisa Cherney: How Stress, Strategy & Smarts F*ck With Your Flow: It’s time for UnMentoring!
- #73 Bella & Lisa Cherney: Bella The Teenager & Lisa The Mom
- #85 Lisa’s Confession: F*ck Dieting – This Is Me!
- #90 Lisa Cherney: Being A Caregiver to Mom (& Myself)
- #99 Lovefest for Liberated Leaders with Mama Phyllis in Her Last Days On Earth
- #107 Lisa Cherney: My Grief Sabbatical