Hi, I’m Lisa & I’m the host of
Get f***ing Real
She is smart, she is funny and she loves the word fuck. She has been mentoring 6 and 7-figure entrepreneurs for over 20 years. She coaches top coaches, teaches brilliant teachers and intuitively guides the most woo woo intuitives. She’s been a millionaire entrepreneur (for a minute) and a corporate flunky. And her GFR moments (in life and business) are countless, which makes her superbly qualified to host the GFR podcast!
What she knows for sure...when you Get Fucking Real you make a bigger difference and have fewer regrets...period.
About your host, Lisa Cherney
In 2014, after 15 years in business, Lisa Cherney got f**cking real and dismantled her successful 7-Figure business.
She was proud of the financial accomplishment, but burdened by the “monster” she created. It did not make her happy.
To make things worse her “6-Figures On Your Terms” events were helping 100s of entrepreneurs and her refreshing “Juicy Marketing” training was in high-demand around the world.

But Lisa learned that just because something is successful and people like it, doesn’t mean you have to keep doing it.
She always knew she had a low tolerance for not being happy (after all, she left a “successful” corporate career, with companies like AT&T and Lipton at age 28), but now she knows her mission is to help other mission-based business owners get fucking real so they can get out of their own way and help more people!
Lisa Cherney is host of the ground-breaking Get F**cking Real Podcast and founder of the GFR Squad, a lively community that gives people permission to get f**cking real in order to better fulfill their mission. Now at age 50, she knows her mission is to UnMentor™ & UnLaunch™ evolving experts so they heal their business shame and unapologetically take a stand in their marketing and in their life.
Other fun fucking real facts about Lisa are:

It’s the last GFR Show of 2021, and Lisa’s here to share why—despite living through the Covid crucible of 2020—this has been one of the most transformational years of her life. From embarking on a journey around unconscious racial bias, to her mother’s 9-month battle with a cancer recurrence, to revisiting a 30-year struggle with food…
Lisa confesses about a radical decision she made around her body and food this year that has been brewing for over 30 of her 50 years on the planet. She’s also releasing this episode on video, which is a significant decision for her, as you’ll learn on the show. Hear what wounds Lisa uncovered around…
Lisa’s hit the big 5-0 and she’s commemorating the occasion with a special episode inspired by GFR Commandment #1: Don’t compromise. What are you tolerating? Join the celebration as Lisa shares a key area that even surprised her with how she’s taking her “don’t compromise” policy to a new level. Hear the origin story of…
Bella Cherney is a former competitive dancer, an aspiring graphic designer, and Lisa’s not surprisingly insightful teenaged daughter. What’s it like having Lisa F’n Cherney as your mom? What things has Lisa learned from Bella? In this special episode, Lisa shares an intimate conversation with her 15-year-old daughter. They cover topics from gender and feminism…
Welcome to a special episode of the GFR show where you get to listen in on a recent generous interactive event Lisa hosted called the Marketing Reset Retreat. Do you enjoy being out there, doing stuff to attract clients? Or, in other words, do you love marketing? It’s okay if you’re not a big fan.…
It’s the last episode of 2020 and what better way to close out the most F*cking REAL year of our lives than with a special Lisa’s Confession episode where she digs into all the struggles she’s encountered and shares the key lessons she’s learned as a result. Have you acknowledged how much stronger and more…
Welcome to GFR Headquarters! This week, Lisa’s sharing some fun intimate facts behind the scenes of her life and business, and how she maintains her energy and mindset in her daily work routines and personal rituals. Do you love hearing how people structure their day? Tune in to find out Lisa’s self-care routines, what she…
This week, Lisa and her 8-year marketing muse Erin Tillotson unveil their UnLaunch way of marketing. They took turns explaining the 4 UnLaunch Pillars and even revealed their new glossary of UnLaunch marketing terms, which is what makes it unlike any other approach you’ve used (or been traumatized by) in the past. Are you ready…
Lisa’s her own guest this week as she confesses how the pandemic resurfaced some old wounds she thought were healed and enabled her to work through and learn from them on a deeper level. How have your past struggles served you? In the spirit of GFR Commandment #4: Trust that your struggle serves your mission,…
Your host Lisa Cherney invites you in for a special UnMentoring Town Hall episode of the Get F’ing Real Show. Have you found that hitting your money milestones just isn’t doing it for you anymore? Welcome to the UnMentoring Generation. In this episode, get a ringside seat as Lisa shares the 12 UnMentoring Milestones that…

The Squad is a lively community that gives people permission to get f***ing real in order to better fulfill their mission. The more you Get Fucking Real, the more impact (and money) you will make!
Lisa Cherney - Get F***ing Real Podcast Host
Now it’s time for your confession!
The 12 GFR Commandments
Your roadmap for getting real!
This colorful cool-lookin’ guide will be your ever-present reminder to ask yourself the tough questions.
The goal is a business you f’n love and a life lived without regrets.
It’s Confession time! Are you ready to get fucking real?
12 Commandment + 12 Confession Questions = A GFR Life