#99: Lovefest for Liberated Leaders with Mama Phyllis in Her Last Days On Earth | Lisa Cherney

The Lovefest for Liberated Leaders is Lisa’s high-vibe networking event where evolving experts mastermind with like-hearted peers in a space where money isn’t the #1 motivation, and where they can feel fully self-expressed and embraced for who they are.
What does liberation mean to you?
When Lisa shared with her community a week before Lovefest that her mother was dying, people expected that she’d cancel. But as Lisa explained on social media, Mama Phyllis has always been her biggest cheerleader and fully supported Lisa following her intuition, which said she was meant to host her event.
What she didn’t expect was that Mama Phyllis, who’s been a long-time participant in Lisa’s events, would summon the energy or desire to participate on camera, live from her deathbed.
Lisa doesn’t usually share Lovefest recordings with non-attendees because you don’t get the same value without the interactive masterminding. However, this was such a profound, divinely-orchestrated experience, Lisa wants to ensure everyone who needs to or wants to, gets a chance to listen in.
Enjoy a taste of what it’s like to be at Lovefest for Liberated Leaders, and soak in the wisdom and healing our precious Mama Phyllis a.k.a. Chief Hug Officer chimes in with during her final appearance “on stage” with Lisa before being liberated from her physical body one week later. This one’s gonna get you—have a box of tissues nearby.
(Mama Phyllis joins in for the first time at the one hour and twenty minute mark 1:20)
To read more about my experience and Mom’s journey, visit our journal on Caring Bridge: Phyllis Says Goodbye
Head over to my YouTube Channel to watch this episode on video.
These are the 6 areas of my life that feel liberated and links to the episode where I shared about my journey:
- Money is not in charge – Letting the Divine take the lead
- Stop hustling, striving, pushing, proving Episode 46 – How Stress, Strategy & Smarts F*ck With Your Flow: It’s time for UnMentoring!
- Stop marketing – embrace my creativity and share my soapbox (my stand)
- Non-monogamy and sexually fluid Episode 11 – How Opening Up my Marriage Juiced Up My Business
- Listening to my body – Stop dieting & trying to control the size of my body Episode 85 – F*ck Dieting – This Is Me!
- Letting my kid be in charge of her life – eat, sleep & be Episode 73 – Bella The Teenager & Lisa The Mom
Grab Lisa’s Gift:
- The 12 GFR Commandments – download your own copy now
- Join the GFR Squad – get started for just 20 Bucks! Plus get access to the Squad exclusive video Plus experience Lisa GFRing all over the place in the private SQUAD Quad Facebook Group 😉