#127: From Token Friend to Textile Artist | Dr. Veronica Anderson

Dr. Veronica Anderson is a multifaceted entrepreneur, healthcare expert, and Kolbe-Certified Human Design Coach who has authored 4 books on holistic medicine and personal growth.
Have you ever felt like a victim, and if so … what did you do about it?
Dr. Veronica first appeared on the GFR Show in September 2021 – Episode 83: From Depressed Eye Surgeon to Clairvoyant Psychic. Now she is back to talk about how working in a predominately white organization made her feel victimized AND eventually empowered her to birth a business that fully represents her ethnic identity and personal ideals.
Tune in to hear Dr. V’s new story detailing her experience as a Black woman in the white-dominated wellness industry during the aftermath of George Floyd’s 2021 murder. She gets into the ways her well-intentioned colleagues missed the mark with their attempts at allyship, and we find out what (glaringly, in retrospect) simple change in communication could have made a big difference for everyone involved.
We talk about how being tokenized by some, while also being excluded and canceled by others for speaking her truth, made Dr. Veronica feel like a victim. And she confesses how she initially leaned into that role and allowed her external world to impact her vision of herself … and kept her trapped in the victim role rather than pushing against it and transforming it
Learn what spiritual lessons helped Dr. Veronica shift from victimhood to empowerment, and discover how her struggles served as a path to a new, more aligned business. Plus, she tells us exactly what type of support she’d love to get from Lisa, and other white colleagues, that would help her out most as she embarks on her next evolution.
You can listen in wherever you get podcasts, or watch on our YouTube channel to see some of the gorgeous textile designs Dr. Veronica has commissioned for her yoga and meditation product line.
- Get Dr. Veronica’s gift here: QUIZ: What is your #1 relationship mistake?
- Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drveronica/
- To get your copy of the 12 GFR Commandments click right here!
Episode #83: From Depressed Eye Surgeon to Clairvoyant Psychic
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