#74: From Crappy Hermit to Happy Hermit | Brigitte van Tuijl

Brigitte van Tuijl is a master coach, author of “The Art of Being Selfish,” and the self-described Queen of Boundaries.
Do you get enough alone time?
When Brigitte van Tuijl prioritized her clients (and making money) over her inner hermit’s need for alone time, she lived a constant cycle of burnout. Hear how choosing freedom over “success” led Brigitte to a thriving coaching business that gives her all the space she needs.
Plus, Brigitte explains why a hermit is drawn to coaching, dispels some misconceptions about hermit life, and delves into the power of leaning into your “shortcomings.”
- Grab Brigitte’s Put Yourself First, Baby! ebook
- The 12 GFR Commandments – download your own copy now
- Join the GFR Squad – get started for just 20 Bucks! Plus get access to the Squad exclusive video “How to NOT Need Other People’s Approval” with Brigitte van Tuijl
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