Bonus: Gratitude for Past Mistakes featuring the GFR Squad

Happy Thanksgiving, for our US listeners, and for our international folks happy gratitude today to you!
Today I have something special to share from myself and a few of our GFR SQUAD members.
This short bonus episode is here to fill your cup, to highlight how feeding your soul feeds your mission, and give you a shot of inspiration to carry with you throughout your day.
Enjoy today with the people you most love to be with!
- The 12 GFR Commandments – download your own copy now
- Join the GFR Squad – get started for just 20 Bucks!
GFR Episodes Mentioned
- Lisa Sasevich – From $40 Million in Sales to Intentional White Space
- Michele PW – From Creatively Repressed Copywriter to Award-Winning Fiction Author
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