#97: From Broke Meditation Teacher to Birthing Billionaires & Best Sellers | Debra Poneman

Debra Poneman is an award-winning speaker and best-selling author whose YES to Success seminars have been taught across 7 countries on 4 continents since the 1980’s. Early students of her work include Janet Atwood, Marcy Shimoff and Deepak Chopra.

Are you a people pleaser, or … do you avoid conflict?

Debra shares how she used to consider herself a a very nice person until she realized her “kindness” was more self-serving than altruistic. Listen in to find out how this “character flaw” played out in her relationships, and the way it allowed her to tolerate some significant circumstances that she wanted to change for far too long.

Soak in the wisdom from Debra’s over 40 years in the consciousness entrepreneurship game as she fully leans into her vulnerability, and shares a lot of details about her life and her work that she doesn’t usually open up about.

You’ll hear some of Debra’s biggest GFR moments like when she walked away from her hugely successful business—and a promising talk show deal—to become a full-time mom. And, we’ll catch up on Debra’s exciting return to her YES to Success roots now that her kids are grown. Enjoy!


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About the author, Lisa

She is smart, she is funny and she loves the word f*ck. She has been mentoring 6 and 7-figure entrepreneurs for over 20 years. She coaches top coaches, teaches brilliant teachers and intuitively guides the most woo woo intuitives. She’s been a millionaire entrepreneur (for a minute) and a corporate flunky. And her GFR moments (in life and business) are countless, which makes her superbly qualified to host the GFR podcast! What she knows for sure...when you Get F***ing Real you make a bigger difference and have fewer regrets...period.