#8: From $40 Million in Sales to Intentional White Space

Lisa Sasevich in the house! She’s known as the Queen of Sales Conversion and these two ladies have been working together for 10 years, not to mention are best friends. You’ve got to listen for all the details in how their paths have interwoven over the years.

Can you imagine giving yourself permission to pause? I know it sounds radical and maybe scary… but Lisa has some life-altering stories to share with you that demonstrate just how important white space really is.

This episode is a bit off our beaten path here at GFR. This is more like part 1 of Lisa’s recent wormhole, the struggle an entrepreneur goes through before the next iteration of their mission-based business. So strap in and lets GFR…

Episode Highlights

  • [8:30] This interview is a bit different than all the others…
  • [19:54] When life became transactional 
  • [28:57] What values have shifted since Lisa’s GFR Moment?
  • [32:51] One of Lisa Sasevich’s hardest wormholes
  • [37:33] Live in the white space


About the author, Lisa

She is smart, she is funny and she loves the word f*ck. She has been mentoring 6 and 7-figure entrepreneurs for over 20 years. She coaches top coaches, teaches brilliant teachers and intuitively guides the most woo woo intuitives. She’s been a millionaire entrepreneur (for a minute) and a corporate flunky. And her GFR moments (in life and business) are countless, which makes her superbly qualified to host the GFR podcast! What she knows for sure...when you Get F***ing Real you make a bigger difference and have fewer regrets...period.