#7: From Undercover Street Seductress & Victim to Reset and Empowerment Expert

Today Lisa Cherney brings on Diane Halfman, known as the Spa Life Mentor.
In this episode, you’re going to hear Diane’s journey from an undercover police officer to empowerment leader. Her confession today is real, raw and something she hasn’t shared publicly before.
Strap in and enjoy the ride!
Episode Highlights
- [8:34] Diane’s early come to Jesus moment
- [13:33] Life can look really different than it does now!
- [37:11] Look closely at the people in your environment
- [43:23] The hidden expense of work-life balance
- Diane Halfman’s Gift – 5 Moves to Reset Your Power
- The 12 GFR Commandments – download your own copy now
- Join the GFR Squad – get started for just 20 Bucks!
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