#122: The Cost of Not Owning Our Value | Lisa Cherney featuring GFR Commandment #10

Lisa’s her own guest as she examines GFR Commandment #10: Know that the struggle/stress/pain prevented with your expertise has enormous monetary value!

Are you owning your value?

One of the biggest hurdles we face as entrepreneurs is undercharging for our products and services, which as Lisa explains on today’s show, comes from minimizing our expertise and the contribution we make. And spoiler: it ends up costing way more than just your income.

We’re releasing this episode on video, so come over to our YouTube channel to learn about the spiritual and mental price we pay when we don’t own our worth as human beings and ask for what we need. Hear stories of how Lisa’s increasingly stepped into her value (financially and otherwise) through her 20+ years in business. And, she shares a recent experience that stretched her to really own her expertise once again.

Lisa talks about her 12 UnMentor Milestones for evolving experts, and takes a closer look at three that relate to the cost of not owning your value. Plus, she offers some ways you can identify where you’re undervaluing yourself, as well as some tips on how to start embodying what you’re worth.


  • Learn more about UnMentoring and check out the 12 Milestones Here
  • To get your copy of the 12 GFR Commandments click right here!
  • To watch on YouTube

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About the author, Lisa

She is smart, she is funny and she loves the word f*ck. She has been mentoring 6 and 7-figure entrepreneurs for over 20 years. She coaches top coaches, teaches brilliant teachers and intuitively guides the most woo woo intuitives. She’s been a millionaire entrepreneur (for a minute) and a corporate flunky. And her GFR moments (in life and business) are countless, which makes her superbly qualified to host the GFR podcast! What she knows for sure...when you Get F***ing Real you make a bigger difference and have fewer regrets...period.