#106: From Near Death to Celebrating Pain | Helen MacMillan

Helen MacMillan is an author, life coach and wise woman who facilitates the personal growth and healing that are integral to achieving your greatest potential, and living your most joyful and fulfilling life.
How old were you when you realized how precious life is?
Helen’s first lesson came when she lost her sister when she was just 19 and she joins the show to share what happened and talk about how it not only shaped her as a person, but also informed her journey as an evolving entrepreneur.
We dig into her philosophy around the benefits of pain and the way that once we embrace it as integral to our growth and development, we can greatly lessen its negative effects. Helen also reveals a near death experience she had that made her get f’n real about her physical and mental health, and began a reawakening to all the things that she had repressed through her childhood.
Hear the advice Helen’s mom gave her after a business “failure” that allowed her to let go of her losses and open up to the abundance on the other side. Plus, she shares the incredible experience that proved the power of her intuition, and the accuracy of her inner knowing regardless of external evidence to the contrary.
- Get Helen’s gift Here: The to Journey to Self Love Program , The Gift of Pain Book
- The 12 GFR Commandments – download your own copy now
- Join the GFR Squad – get started for just 20 Bucks! Plus get access to the Squad exclusive video “Change Your Mental, Emotional, and Energetic State with The Quick Shift Process (Lisa is the guinea pig!) ” with Helen MacMillan
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