#28: From Hazardous Waste Officer to Health Restoration Expert | Maureen Vincenty
Maureen Vincenty is a former NASA scientist who became so fixated on preventative medicine and nutritional therapy that it morphed into an eating disorder that threatened her life.
Have you ever felt like you were living a double life? Are you currently presenting yourself to the world in one way while hiding a whole other part of who you are, what you do, or how you think?
Maureen started college as a pre-med student but when her mom was diagnosed with cancer, she was so disillusioned with the gaps in the healthcare industry, she switched to geology because, “rocks and planets and stars were a lot safer than people.” But her medical research didn’t stop there. She had a secret obsession with figuring out why her mom got sick, which led to her using her body as a science experiment.
In this week’s episode of the GFR Show, Maureen and I talk about her orthorexia (and explain exactly what that is), and she shares details of how her struggle with the disorder gifted her with the empathy and experience she needed to become the thriving transformative health coach she is today.
This one was really special for me. I saw a lot of parallels between Maureen’s story and my own, and was inspired to Get Fucking Real and share some personal parts of my journey that I’ve never talked about before. It’s raw and vulnerable, and I hope it empowers you to own and embrace all the authentic parts of you.