#51: From Restaurant Failure Shame to Creative Comedic Coach | Jay Rooke

Jay Rooke is a business and personal development coach, and host of the podcast and nationally syndicated radio show, Know Pain, Know Gain—Entrepreneurship Made Real.

Is your career or business the safe choice?

Jay shares his winding GFR Wormhole journey from when he left his lawyer salary and suit behind for culinary school, where he birthed the dream of opening a restaurant. Finally, he got the opportunity to buy the “perfect” place on the water in California. Four months later … that dream turned into a nightmare, leading to a huge Get F’n Real moment that happened in his restaurant’s parking lot that changed everything.  

Hear how Jay’s wife has handled being on the whole bumpy ride with him, and how he’s letting go of his corporate identity in favor of his comedic side. Turns out, embracing the funny parts of quarantine with twins has led him to a brand new pursuit.


  • The 12 GFR Commandments – download your own copy now
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About the author, Lisa

She is smart, she is funny and she loves the word f*ck. She has been mentoring 6 and 7-figure entrepreneurs for over 20 years. She coaches top coaches, teaches brilliant teachers and intuitively guides the most woo woo intuitives. She’s been a millionaire entrepreneur (for a minute) and a corporate flunky. And her GFR moments (in life and business) are countless, which makes her superbly qualified to host the GFR podcast! What she knows for sure...when you Get F***ing Real you make a bigger difference and have fewer regrets...period.